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  • DarkProtossActually......... i more like if scallin1 .. is like if we play single player have a more good visual... just idea anyway

    scalable UI is extreamly hard to be achieved by using FLASH and the existed code, possible but will take forever,
    but a WPF application that i have started months ago is still in early alpha stage and could give the user they are looking for, a fullscreen interface more dark and scalable to all fonts to give you the feelling you are ingame actually ;-)
    also th existed code is 95% workable.

    still thought such a UserInterface requires a lot more resources that a standar windows application, speciall aa very good vga and lots of ram in your system.

    but the most annoying part is the font cleartype effect that cant be disabled totaly and gives you a bluer you dont want notice very carefully the following image the font i not 100% sharp! ;-)
    you have to play with your VGA settings aswell to get more clear fonts :( who the fruck thought that was cool in microsoft?
    the rendering should be perfect not blury.


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