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  • galinn
    galinntrue true lol. maybe a button to add/remove competitors from the list? i guess its not that much of a priority, but it would be cool! :)

    to be honest what is a priority to me now is to get some funding on this by donations! it costs me a lot in time and money to maintain and i get back almost nothing! :(

    i need some good donations soon to keep this alive and updated. if i reach 300$ would be nice for this year. its 10$ from 30 people and if you think that this tool has globally more than 3million downloads and honestly my donations last year was 50$ its sad! unfortunately its all about balance in the end!

    i would say that some people dont really have the resources to be donating, but some people might be interested in helping you, they do have time. you could ask for people to do something to help, like testers or what have you i dont know much about these things, but just a thought. ill donate 20 to get u started :) i wouldnt say its all about balance. i dont know why, but u might want to ask yourself why you started and are maintaining this project if its only about balance in the end to you...

    as i said this started as personal project at home and after seen a lot of craps out there and unstable launchers (specially one) or others needed a lot to do and not user friendly, i said i "can do this ten times better" :P and i released it for fan. but when the fan started to be almost like my main job specially during the beta phase or RTM release, and i had days working on that more than 16hours straight or sometimes 20hours without sleep, this is something i coulnt predict or imagine!!!

    and this project from a client offline only application has started to become huge WEB application as well, for example the automatic update system and now the new map server "eat" alot of traffic traffic i couldn't imagine!

    and after all i pay some server for personal and professional use and i thought "hell they could handle this" but 3.500.000downloads and trafic of thousend mbytes in dayly base cant be handle with what i had! this is something that need MONEY and TIME to develop and support!

    i started this because i love starcraft and love coding and helping people doing things easier and better with my software, but there is a limit to what is FREE! i am not a "millioner" guy :P

    and asking others to help, its allready done, but for example in coding is most of my work at 90% and some 10% help i was offered by some talanted people, the problem is not the coding the analysis and hwo this think works its all in my head, i cant teach that remotly! it will take more money, and i dont want untill this project is finished to give up my source code.

    during the time i had offers for hosting (like nibbits) that could help me out on the expensives, but some people just disapeared or other where making money form this and ads when i didnt! so its difficult to trust someonw it will do the job right not taking advantage of your work, and mostly I will still have control of my resources and project!

    the autoupdate system now for example in the 10.3.3 version doesnt work because the last guy i accepted help for hosting the patches is gone for months and i cant access the "server" he "offered" me! so i am trapped untill i change those in my next version :( and that sucks!

    i want my self or people proven worth trusty to have control of this project.-

    i hope you understand now.
    and your donation (when that will be) will be into good use as always trust me ;-)
    (END of OFFTOPIC) we can talk about anything in the Generals Topic over my forums here if you wish.

    p.s now i have to read all the proposals our friend posted above :P ...damn i think he asks me to make the next map editor or something :P

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