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  • Thank you for the response ;)

  • The problem I'm having is that the tool opens up SC2 patcher but it has not been working too well recently. It just opens and closes right away so I can never even reach past that. Is there a way so it can go around the patcher or something?

  • SkyuThe problem I'm having is that the tool opens up SC2 patcher but it has not been working too well recently. It just opens and closes right away so I can never even reach past that. Is there a way so it can go around the patcher or something?

    1st of all you should have a properly installed game!
    so the sc2 patcher should load and then start the game without a problem.

    i dont know whats wrong with your installation but try to disable your LAN before playing.

    also if you have firewalls and av that prevent your game from lauching disable them.

    This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.- Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
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  • vernam7
    OfflineZergWith patch 8 / SC2ALLin1 (Beta 7.7.3), I could play in pure offline mode. With patch 10 / SC2ALLin1 (Beta 9.3.3), SC2 seems to want to contact Blizzard and will not start when if the IP's are bocked. So I now have to be online (and not blocking any IP's).

    Is this changed in the tool? Or did Blizzard add more security? What is the consequence if SC2 contacts Blizzard ( Will Blizzard see the usage of the tool?

    @ProtossSC2: If your firewall is blocking Blizzard IP addresses, then SC2 won't be able to start up.

    the latest version uses direct the sc2 engine to load a game, no loader etc, so it logical to try to connect, but why on earth would you want to block the ip?

    dont tell me you are afraid that Blizzard will identify you for playing with the tool!???lol

    dont be foolish there is nothing illegal here, just let the game load normally without blocking it.

    I thought maybe it connect to Blizzard to check for patches: It might download a patch (which might not be compatible with the tool anymore); or maybe if someone would want to play on a non-internet computer (traveling or bad connection).

  • Hey, I'm having a rather odd problem. When I launch the game with patch 10 it loads the map but my base doesn't spawn. The whole world is just fog of war. Anyone else having this trouble or know how to fix it?

    I have a beta key and have it working fine online, but I was hoping to get it offline as well.

  • same exact problem here...i was a big fan of the ai earlier and wanted to try it after i already have a real key

  • @OfflineZerg when your offline patcher cant update and your game will start so you can disconnect from internet and play or try to block the patcher by fire wall(i must test it myself for offline)
    ok it work fine in offline ,so if you have problem with blocking the patcher you can launch the game when you offline and then pause the game ,ctr+alt+del go to online and run your jobs then return to game!

    @LT &Russki if you have clean sc2 patch 10 and new maps installed and correct installation of ALLin1 ,you shouldent have this problem ,check your maps ,clean cache files,be sure you have not any AI from past,delete ALLin1 folder and install it again.

  • Don't know if this has been mentioned already, but in the latest versions of the All-in-1 launcher, there's a glitch with Changelings. Basically, whenever you spawn a changeling and it transforms into an enemy unit, you can't control it anymore; it just stays still. You can select it and it does the unit speech sound, but you can't move it. And then it just dies eventually, standing still and awaiting to its inevitable doom.

    This could be a glitch with the patch, or the AI, or maybe a feature that Blizzard implemented (doubtful, but...), but it's been happening ever since I had to patch to 10 and use the latest launcher.

  • @sdg how on earth can a tool that starts a game cause a bug to a control unit? this is totally impossible!!!!

    what you found is probably a Blizzard bug, go to their forums and post it...

    i tried it online its the same.


    This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.- Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
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  • Hi there, I haven't been able to get Strategy AI 0.42 to work correctly. When I load it into the launcher and launch the game it just loads the blizzard AI. It gave me an error once too. Vernam, have you tried loading the Strategy AI folder with trigger libs? It works on SC2 Launcher 2.3.1, but that launcher does not have gamespeed settings.

  • SkyeHi there, I haven't been able to get Strategy AI 0.42 to work correctly. When I load it into the launcher and launch the game it just loads the blizzard AI. It gave me an error once too. Vernam, have you tried loading the Strategy AI folder with trigger libs? It works on SC2 Launcher 2.3.1, but that launcher does not have gamespeed settings.

    1) that launcher you are talking about doesnt have a LOT of things

    2) i did played strategy AI perfectly normal in allin1 as long as its placed corectly and selected within the tool.


    This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.- Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
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  • You got it to work? It showed "Strategy AI 0.42" when you loaded it? There has been other feedback in this forum thats said only starcrack and greentea ai work on SC2-AllinOne. Can I asked where/how you placed it? I placed the ai folder with the triggerlibs inside in my mods folder in my sc2 directory, was that correct?

  • Let me make something very clear here, there are 2 new commands added in 7.03r2 that will be supported by the launcher in version 9.4.4 coming up this Friday late or today. also editing your galaxy ai file your self from the AI folder into the tool's folder, will only work and not be over-written IF you have the difficulty option set to "OTHER AI", if you choose easy or medium or hard, the galaxy file YOU edited will be ignored! the 9.4.4 will give you and a AI editor to make editing more easy! ;-) stay tunned!

    @skye did you selcted it as i am sawing you above in the image? did you get to that image select the strategy folder that had the triggerlibs, and pressed ok? or double click? leav the diff to Other Ai?

    i loaded once and it worked. also make sure you talk to the strategy AI guys they are the ones that need to make it compatible to my laucher NOT me to theirs ;-)

    greenTie for example came to me with an early beta of his AI and we did some test, and i made my tool sure it will work with that, now strategy didnt...why shoud i care about them?

    i dont belong to the strategy AI team, but to the StarCrack Team! that means something!
    hope you understand this time and dont ask me the same again ;-)
    i cant assist you any more, not that i dont wand to. just not my problem :(

    This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.- Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
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  • Alright. Thank you Vernam. I would approach the strategy ai people, but the group that made it is chinese, I'm not chinese and cannot speak chinese. I just thought you might know. Yes, I selected it as instructed and like you showed in the picture above. Yes I left the ai setting to "other ai". I was asking also because while I am still anticipating the new starcrack ai :) , I need something to do. Thank you for your time and for the great work on the launcher, I still think its really great. Thanks for the posts vernam, much appreciated. :)

  • @Skye and others to know this tool can load anything

    this is an example for right directory

    C:\Program Files\StarCraft II Beta\SC2ALLin1\ai\Strategy AI 0.42\TriggerLibs

    so you can choose it from "other AI" option in tool

  • @Skye: use the latest greentea AI 0.4241. it is bundled with the strategy and aiur AIs. :)

  • @terran58 THANKS MAN! EXACTLY WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR <3 (in a non gay way)

  • It seems ALLin1 is reliant upon start locations being named "Start Location ###".

    I have been able to fix the StartIndex < 0 thing on various user created maps simply by opening up in the editor and changing the names of the start locations from "Startort001" (or whatever) to the default "Start Location 001" format.

    ALLin1 then seems to recognise them OK.

    Is it possible to change ALLin1 to use a regular expression or other search to grab just the numeric portion of the location label to avoid this common issue?

    PS Apologies if this has already been covered elsewhere ... I did search the previous 5 pages first.

    PPS Love the launcher. You're a legend.

  • 46and2It seems ALLin1 is reliant upon start locations being named "Start Location ###".

    I have been able to fix the StartIndex < 0 thing on various user created maps simply by opening up in the editor and changing the names of the start locations from "Startort001" (or whatever) to the default "Start Location 001" format.

    ALLin1 then seems to recognise them OK.

    Is it possible to change ALLin1 to use a regular expression or other search to grab just the numeric portion of the location label to avoid this common issue?

    PS Apologies if this has already been covered elsewhere ... I did search the previous 5 pages first.

    PPS Love the launcher. You're a legend.

    my code actually looks with xml document reader for the node "Start Location ###" because this is the correct and proper way to declair start locations!

    not "Start Location 1" thats Wrong! but not unacceptable.

    i will see what improvement i ca do on that, but let me know how for example you had your start locations before? "Start Location #" not 3 digit numbers? just 1?

    if i recall correctly (cause i am not in my source code now) i read the entire ### digits and from them i try to read the location.... still after 3 hours i can verify that.

    thank you for your feedback.

    This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.- Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
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  • vernam,
    The exact format I have witnessed most (ie. in 23 out of the 24 maps I fixed) is "Startort###". I myself have not done much mapping and only started using the map editor to investigate why a selection of maps I had downloaded would not be accepted by ALLin1.

    (My 4 year old is addicted to SC2 and likes new maps, hence the map download frenzy).

    I noticed that some of these maps are converted from SC1, so I wonder if the SC1 map editor defaulted to "Startort" instead of "Start Location". Who knows, but it seems suspiciously common.

    I just Googled "Startort" and it appears to mean "starting point" in German. :)

  • 46and2vernam,
    The exact format I have witnessed most (ie. in 23 out of the 24 maps I fixed) is "Startort###". I myself have not done much mapping and only started using the map editor to investigate why a selection of maps I had downloaded would not be accepted by ALLin1.

    (My 4 year old is addicted to SC2 and likes new maps, hence the map download frenzy).

    I noticed that some of these maps are converted from SC1, so I wonder if the SC1 map editor defaulted to "Startort" instead of "Start Location". Who knows, but it seems suspiciously common.

    I just Googled "Startort" and it appears to mean "starting point" in German. :)

    then my friend i cant localize the tool to any language our beloved creator are using! its impossible!

    they should learn to build maps in ENGLISH thats the International Language!

    send me 1 link from such a map.
    because the Map editor of startcraft 2 uses Start Location ###..... i go with that as prototype, not sc1 or other custom maps users did before map editor my hand in their language.

    This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.- Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
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  • I've tried running the game in administrator, but to no avail.

    After a long night of trouble-shooting, I managed to get it to work when I ran it in compatability mode, either windows xp or windows 2003 server edition.

    The only problem with this solution is that I get massive flickering on the loading screen and while in game.

    The only solution to fix that was for me to alt+tab multiple times and hope that when I get back into the game, it would stop...

    Any ideas?

    P.S. Force Vsync does not work..

  • Dave123I've tried running the game in administrator, but to no avail.

    After a long night of trouble-shooting, I managed to get it to work when I ran it in compatability mode, either windows xp or windows 2003 server edition.

    The only problem with this solution is that I get massive flickering on the loading screen and while in game.

    The only solution to fix that was for me to alt+tab multiple times and hope that when I get back into the game, it would stop...

    Any ideas?

    P.S. Force Vsync does not work..

    give details on your OS, and system. semi info will get semi or non response ;-)

    vga drivers? why compatibility mode? do you have the Verdana font installed properly?

    This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.- Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
    Developer & Moderator
  • hi there,

    Since I've installed latest ver of Allin1, "launch" button runs SC2 screen, instead of single player game.

    Patch updated, cache downloaded.

    What could be the problem ?
    (win xp, everything runs perfectly before)

    Akp 1
    Registered User
  • I deleted all the originals from my PC. I just re-downloaded: Lava Desert Duel, which is one of them:

    Sorry, I now see there is a space between Startort and the 3 digits. My bad.

    I just thought based on the number of instances I saw that the determination of the starting point could be made more generic. I just assumed (perhaps incorrectly) that if the details are obtained from a element in XML document that it must have structure (ie a parent Tag to identify them as Start Locations or an attribute on the Element itself).

    If it is too much hassle, don't worry. Not much drama for me to edit the maps. You have enough on your plate.

    Thanks for considering.


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