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  • I had a bit of trouble using the auto updater from the beta of 5.7.1, it would download and show it was installing 6.7.0 but when it was done, start "SC2ALLin1" and its back to 5.7.0....

    Anyways I just went ahead and deleted what was in my "SC2ALLin1" and downloaded/installed the new copy.

    I wonder if the auto updater got mixed up with what version I'm using or if you just simply had a little mix up. (also posting this for the other beta tester just in case the updater got mixed up)

    Its looking grate like always

    I tried to post this in but I dont know if it really posted or not, I got the "site maintenance page" and some wired stuff after with the site like under Support still says vernam7 is last poster, when u go into it shows me as last poster I cant mark it as read...

    Registered User

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