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  • FootMan2KVernam, is there a recommended way of doing a dual SC2 install as far as you know? I know you mentioned some guys doing this to avoid getting their beta account messed with due to using the Ai, even though I know yours doesn't change any of the files, could the fact that it resides in the SC2 folder possibly present an issue if Blizzard wants to be a pain in the ass?

    If you think its cool to use one install then I will but if you have any suggestions for doing the dual install I'll go that way- Not sure if the tool will work if I were to install the second installation on my D: drive and put the tool on there, since you mentioned not to change the UNRAR directory in your installer.

    pesronally i dont know, i havent even try it yet, cause i now if you install in one OS the registry settings are Common and when you try to install in the same OS an other version like GB and US will just uninstall the other, dont worry playing AI if the tool is ok will not mess anything ;-)

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