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  • damn i am only with 5 hours of sleep but i think i found the perfect way to patch every patch with the AI, older and the new when it comes out.

    what was bothering me was a way to inject the AI in the patches as i do, but also avoid the always increasing size of the file! this can be achived with a certain comresion, but the problem was it takes too much time

    so pressing play and wait for example like 30sec in a fast PC without any progress bar was really a problem!

    expect in the "bridge" version to see a delay BUT with a progressbar when closing the tool!

    the "restore to original patch" proccess will demand more time because patch 9 and 10 was HUGE! more than 800MB! but this will be done ONLY during the Exit of the tool, in order to restore fully the game so those of you with keys can play online!

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