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  • Great work Vernam, cant wait to try the new patches tonight with your launcher! Ive been patiently waiting to update instead of get caught with out a reasonable way to play with everything not being ready. Main thing I am excited about is map editing. I love making maps, kind of like artistic expression on the gamers side if you have no knowledge of doing it other ways with other community made editors. I will for sure be uploading my work on nibbits. I usually map for the CnC universe of games, as I am an all around RTS gamers. Mainly been doing Red Alert 3 maps recently since its one of the more recent RTS games that have smoked the market. Starcraft 2 will for sure change EA's lead on the new age RTS market. Never have I doubted Bliz, and just playing to patch 8 while I STILL wait on a key has proven to never doubt bliz in the first place when they bring a new game out. Bliz has came a long way since the days of Warcraft 1 lol. I hope Warcraft 3 was not the end of the Warcraft series as RTS games, as I am not much of a fan for WoW. WoW is a good game, I tried it, I own it just like any other bliz game, but I just doesn't hold interest as I am not a huge MMORPG fan and not willing to pay a monthly fee for multiplayer as its like paying for a game... then if you want to play, pay for it over and over and over again, Diablo being the game I draw the line on with that.

    Some advice on releasing the launcher tonight. Def make sure to have BOLD clearly stated instructions on the main page for atleast Win7 and Vista users as the two OS's have basically the same folder placements. It sucks to say for XP users, but they seem to be the ones with the most problems but XP = its time to update, the world has moved to bigger and greater things with Win7 with vista kind of being that little crappy stepping stone to get to win7, XP is and still is one of the best operating systems made to date, but two OS have been thrown out since and XP is nearing the end of support. Face it xp users, its time to upgrade, and vista and win7, Id recommend Win7 over vista any day, even though I am still sitting on Vista Ultimate x64 waiting to upgrade to Win7 Ultimate. I have been giving M$ time to completely get the compatibility with Win7 mostly solved. I have however ran Win7 on my laptop and love it. Its the greatest thing since XP. Just make sure and really get them instructions perfect and leave nothing out. So people can get things right, there is too much people with failures with this tool, and the only failure is the person who doesnt read instructions, or desire to troubleshoot anything on their own and come on here spamming the tool for the blame. Iv never had any trouble with Allin1. Good luck with the launch tonight! Best luck for everyone going to update as well!

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