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  • Sorry for dbl post, I have got win7, ran out and said its time to move on! doing a format here shortly, So long Vista! Whoop Whoop! :) I have a link to DL the new maps for the recent patches. if anyone needs it for any reason! Good luck all on the update later tonight!

    For some reason my install of vista, after 3 months of the last format, or less then format, the best thing to do is to install windows, and update fully, and then create a back up image of the install, with just the basic essentials installed like chat programs and web browser. Run that back up image, then you can reformat in under 10 mins and be back up and running :P My computer is running so sluggish right now, and my system by far, is not a bad system, its no longer top of the line besides my vid card, but it should not be performing the way it does. Win7 Ultimate here I come!

    Registered User

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