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  • terran58Crack blizz AI to force it work as hard difficulty!!! and also per player!!!!

    I will pray for this, its a revolution !plz tell us your progress.

    today its a new day, last nights progress was, something not too bad but also not too good aswell.

    i have found what causes the script errors,
    besides changing tha AI functions blizzard also closed a part of the exploit we used to launch the game properly and force it to play with AI.

    so it seems we either need a total new launcher OR an AI that will use the old function names BUT with the new true function abilities.

    to sum up it takes longer than 1 day...hehe
    but by reading the new core AI yestraday i think we have a very good change of achieving per player difficulty cause blizzard;s AI is already there now,
    i think we just need to edit the script in the map we are launching properly, as we did to achieve the team hack in the past....tests that i made yesterday indicates that i can affect the game from my maps script and change the error!
    i managed to remove the error but not fully enable the stock AI yet.

    if i had a map editor with me to join in my battles that would be nicer and would same some time ;-) anyone interested?

    ok no more technical details.
    i have to work close with the AI team now to see what we can do.

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