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  • Hi everyone,

    I have tested the Aiur Alpha 12 with the launcher.
    I have modified Sc2patch.mpq to do it.
    The launcher and the game play well (faster speed, aiur start message and time), but when you hit "restart" after the game.
    The game restart with "normal" speed. You have to kill starcraft 2 and re-launch a game with the launcher.
    When you try to change map after choose it, the lauch button is disable. I have deleted some map in the folder and they already appear.
    Is it normal? Fixed in next release?

    Question: there is a non-noob version (for adavanced user) of your launcher?

    Ps: I'm french user, sorry for bad synthax.

    Thx Vernam7, Starcrack and the othe AI devolepper on Darbklizz.

    Great Job.

    Random Starcraft 2 player. Only playing for Fun !!! It's A Good Day To Die.
    EU Beta

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