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  • @Evil this is because your map is not correct! you dont have specify corectly the player in the map, the locations etc basic stuff that if you dont know dont just expect a blank map to play! there must be spesific map settings (like blizzard default) so the tool can recognize them and play! what are those specification?
    go to an other forum and ask, or better open a map from blizzard go to maps>player options and copy those settings to yours.... still what i am saying is not the entire procedure i cant write a map editor quide, thats not my job ;-)

    @Nickste88 its not a resolution bug, read few post back or serach its your windows Font DPI settings , make sure its too 100% not bigger nor smaller!

    @darka972 glad you like it i belive in 5 hours or 6 the new version will be up...;-) and if i miss 1-2 hours dont shoot me ok! :P

    programming its like weather forecast sometimes!

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