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  • DavidHi vernam7, I've been using your launcher for weeks now and it's been great.

    I'm running into a problem since patch 10:

    When I load a replay I get a black screen and only a green cursor which I have to CTRL+ALT+DEL to get out of.

    I have reinstalled SC2, updated to latest patch and installed the latest maps (patch10) into mydocs/sc2/maps. I have tried with and without the cache in local/appdata/bliz.

    I hope I'm being a noob and its something simple :)

    Many thanks


    Still doing it with new version of the launcher. I have tried reinstalling again, and updated GFX drivers. Sometimes it works when Blizzard is selected but it always says 'unable to load replay'. The rest of the time it stays black.


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