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  • terran58Hi vernam ,thank you for new version ,it works great with patch 10 and new maps
    special thanks to whole team for AI 7.03, i realy have joy of play!

    i have problem with 14803 ,when i want launch with this version and old maps(any old map include contra),loading bar goes to near 60% and then it reset to 0 and this is repeat again & again and i have to end task it!

    well i dont want mess with other new beta AIs but i want play with stable other AIs but as i said 14803 wont work for me!

    i hope this is because of my fault but the poin is when i rollback to 7.9.9 beta , its works perfect with 14803(but theres no other AI possible), i will listen to your advice when you're in a good mood(after sleep)!

    thanks again for your efforts :)

    i am not even bother in supporting the old maps any more. so i will not look into it, if you see the change log i said it there aswell.


    conta and other maps will also be able to lauch specially after the service release v8.3.3 i am releasing in few momments.

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