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  • ogawlerStopped AV, disabled UAC, started as Admin - the same.

    I'll live with tool restarts - simply it haven't worked that way in previous versions :) Maybe I'm totally dumb - hope right way to select map is still big Select Map button on Installed Maps tab? :)

    Btw, your tool starts strange process conime.exe which is not closed on exit and keeps handle (according to Process Explorer) to SC2ALLin1 installation folder. Bit annoying :)

    be extra carefull my tool starts NOTHING like "conime.exe" are you sure you are not infected by anything else that gets attached to any running proccess???

    the way to select a map is eather the big buton or just double click, i use double click in all my lits for usability.

    i reapeat i DONT start any "weird" preccess!
    logically only the scallin1.exe, the mympq.exe, and the sc2.exe, and the ldr.exe.

    nothing like the once you decribed, AND i make sure i kill those proccess when you exit or restart my tool, i always protect users pc and dont wann mess with their performce something else is wrong with you

    plz search it!!!!
    use better antivirus disable everything from msconfig>startup options, run antispyware on your system in safe modes etc...

    my tool MAY give in its launcher sometimes a false waring about a generic trojan but its not the case.
    "conime.exe" i have no idea whats that!

    p.s try stoping system restore and Windows Defender as well!
    and search for that conime.exe of your's may not be Microsoft;s after all!

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