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  • Damn i forgot to add this great new change to the change log (going now)

    Guys i now the replay previous system doesnt work with latest replay fiels, you dotn see a map preview or the races-players and colors, we are making a new one compatible.

    BUT what i have made since version verion 8.0.3 is that the replays now that YOU play (offline) are AI indepened!!!! yeap that right, no more need to remember which AI you played exactly, wich level, wich build and crap like that!

    still its not fully tested after all the NAME BETA says all, but it works like 95% of the recent replays. (correct or empty cache are need as always)

    @Syryuu you would love this :P lol its the Aces i was talking about! ;-)
    also currently i dont save the last AI used in the comboboxes, cause if people go and delete the Ai source folders from my tools path \ai\*.* then i will have errors during loading that i wish to avoid, so it is auto selected to Blizzard Very Easy AI at the moment.

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