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  • @Brian i am glad my new detailed error handler works ok. :P helps me understand better the cause of your issues. in your case means something is preventing the tool from reading specific files or those files cant be even extracted from other files, usually caused by AV or other protection stupidity, and UAC disable them and allways run as admin. AKA READ THE 1 download PAge :)

    @Thagirionif it crashes when you press the launch button then the game crashes!
    are you haveing a good sc2 installation? clean cache files? updated to latest patch 10? its a sc2 launch issut that is caused by your system, so i cant solve it! sometimes a simple restart helps! starcraft 2 sometimes stays crashed in the memmory and causes problems onre launching! not my fault, but your systems!
    if everything fails delete everything (look for cached maps etc) and reinstall your game and try to keep it clean this time! my tool demands NO reinstallation of your game as long as it works ok with your cache files, existing or not.

    @Syryuui have eliminate the possibility of happening that in my internal v9.4.3. ;-)

    This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.- Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
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