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  • Ok, here it goes.

    My problem is that when I use the SC2ALLin1 launcher, it starts the game but instead of game actually loading there is a blank screen infront of me.

    (The loading screen doesn't come up a.k.a freeze)

    it's a soft-lock, I can get back in to windows.

    I reinstalled the game, I've cleared the cache files.

    (always clear them before a new game)

    The funny thing is, is that it works sometimes (barely)... as in the game will actually load a map, and then after if I try to load the same map again, it will freeze.

    I'm using the official maps, I do not have AV enabled and UAC is turned off. (Vista x64 ultimate)

    I checked the fourms to see if someone had a similar problem but I couldn't find anything.

    Any help would be appreciated!


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