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  • wormvernam7...
    Dude, maybe you can post something like (for those who exp. error like this, here's what to do), like common errors.

    So it would be very very easy for the newbies to make it work.

    How was that???...?

    i cant quess nor cause all possible issues and LOG then and then trigger a "magic" solution!

    let me put it this way.

    when you get the error "file not found" its because the programm automatically gives you this error because one from the files i need (i dont know which in your case) doesnt exists!

    this windows error return an ID number, like file not found error code 404 for example,
    i can only say IF a 404 error accure post this messege! but what file? why? exactly what prevents the tool from runing its Impossible to know!

    thats why we have FAQ and inst Guide! because the common problems are for example 3-4 and they all caused by limit access from the user, and antivirus software and UAC.

    BUT the number 1 problem is some Users do NOT Fucking READ!!!!!!
    those DO NOT deserve to play startcraft!.-
    since this tool tell you exactly what to do to make it work, and YOU dont do it then its YOUR fault not mine to be a mentalist!

    my tool has almost 100.000+ now downloads if i had a problem i would have 100.000 people complaining!!! not 30 lazy one!

    i dont have the time nor is possible to Understand per user his exact problem, nor teach him how to read plain English and fix his pc.

    i am not building an Operating System for God's name!
    i have even see questions like, "how do i rename a file!" Fuck me! if he is so damn lazy to right click it rename it, or he doesnt know, but HE knows how to post the stupid question, this users should get a playstation, its NOT My job to learn him Basic Windows Functions and basic reading!!!!!!!!


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