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  • dreadfullichSorry I posted this in the wrong thread, but I just copied and pasted into this one.

    I installed the launcher the way you said to do it, I used this tool many times before but for some reason every time I try and load a map it says "I can't read this map! If it's a custom made map by you, you must have correct player properties, start locations etc, to be recognised as a compatible melee map!" But i tried over 20 different map. Is there something I am missing or only certain maps compatible with this tool? If so which maps would those be?

    1) the maps if they are melle maps they are not made correctly, mean they do not have start locations and player slots open!!! you can do that from the map editor your self BUT that should be the map creator problem not mine nor yours!

    2)there is a case you are trying to play a custom SCENARIO map, if you read the messege carefully i say to Set the game to "USE MAP SETTINGS" its the combobox under the difficulty ;-) and this will try to load your map, in the latest version i even try to fix map creators problem with localized values ans script errors, which again wasnt my problem, but i did that to help them and the users.

    so make sure you have good maps!

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