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  • Hi,

    I've re-installed SC2 and your Allin1 like the how-to guide suggests (virus protection off, etc.), and it works fine up until I have everything selected and go to select launch to start the matches. It will bring up the SC2 loading box before a black box covers up maybe half of my screen (like when something needs to adjust res for a full screen program) and stays like that for maybe 10 seconds, after which is disappears and I'm back to the options boxes with the terran\protoss\zerg cursor (whichever random was going to load I'm guessing) and a few minutes later I will get the Blizzard Error Reporter and a notice from SC2 saying it's errored and that I should try again.

    I'm not really looking for a "magic wonder" answer as I've seen them called browsing as many pages as I could in this thread, but I couldn't find anything much like it. I was just wondering if you've seen it before and have any suggestions on what to try next. Would re-installing the whole thing again work?

    If it helps I'm using Windows 7 64-bit.


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