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  • @Billybob & Arel.

    first of all, you do not need any extra crack or AI , just updated SC2Beta and ALLin1
    any thing else may cause problems

    and antivirus and UAC must be off and also you must be admin (full access)

    you need to be sure of your maps type , you must use only new official maps (after patch 10 maps)

    you can download them here

    but only maps with this date "Apr 23, 2010" and after it

    also its good to clean your cache files(delete all folders inside Cache folder)
    remember you need cache files for watching replays

    this folders are hidden folders type

    On Windows 7 and Vista the cache folder is located at:
    C:\Users\your usename\AppData\Local\Blizzard Entertainment\\Cache\

    On Windows XP the cache folder is located at:
    C:\Documents and Settings\your username\Local Settings\Application Data\Blizzard Entertainment\\Cache\

    and in the end most important thing is a clean SC2Beta (no AI from past and no modified files)

    some times bad connection to will cause failing to launch the game
    so try it offline (disable your lan)


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