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  • GhosCan the game perceive SC2Allin1 custom content? i mean not only launching the game from SC2allin1 but also through the game.when we click on single player/versus ai can the game perceive AIs,Maps all SC2Allin1 custom content(from single player game menu) with next version?

    i dont get the "perceive" its like you are asking me to make the sc2allin1 somehow a patcher and make the retail understand what? offline skirmish?

    custom ai? for example you want to be able to load the custom AI from the game it self? its possible yes we did that before, even allow online gaming with the custom AI, the point is that means i have to permanent (maybe) alter game files and that will cause lot of problems to gamers later, and questions! maybe even crashes! dot forget the AI in some parts its common skirmish and campaign altering the retail will mess things up, AND then this is a MOD not a sc2 anymore!

    i cant think of other "sc2allin1 settings that you want to pass to the game!

    if i understood wrong plz give me an example to understand better.

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