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  • GhosNo buddy,that is not what i meant :) I was trying to say,you know for single player gaming the game tries to connect to blizzard server which is bad and looking for custom content that keeps us connected to internet all the time and we are being like is that why we paid all this $ for right.But Instead of trying to connect to blizzard's single player server and looking for custom content,it would be better if it could detect SC2Allin1,i meant by perceive,detect. Yes mate,i would like the game to understand SC2Allin1 one and its files as a custom mod anyway they made it all customized this time.So when we install the SC2Allin1 tool it can be also detected inside the game which would make it official.

    that is emulator my friend! tha is serious cracking and hacking and not just offline campaign, Blizzard get Really ungry when messing with her service (history never liys) and even thouhgt i admit i have teh latest source code evailable that starcrack team was making back then, (i am,was part of the team so i had access to it ;-)

    even thought this source code is working to a very good point and with lots of help and assitance Could be Finished, I am not gona take part in any of it!

    even if i would i would never said so, but i will not.

    so what you are asking its too damn illegal+dangerous to mess with all by my self!

    so no! :)

    p.s after all why would you want skirmish from within the game? sc2allin1 has WAY MORE options! not to sound cocky but if i knew good flash i could make a damn amazing scalable UI and trust me the launcher UI would be so much cooler than the current game UI it self in Skirmish, you would never start the game again from its icon :P

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