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  • GhosVernam,no you got me wrong.Ok lets make it clear :) i have read bnet 2.0 forum today as blizzard made it dependable and allows custom mods simply my question was can we add SC2Allin1 as a custom mod officially(not by cracking or anything),because custom mods are allowed on bnet,thats why i am asking you.

    PS:I love your launcher you know that,its the best thing happened to SC2 ever ;)

    what kind of mod? for the GT ai? still i dont get it!!
    sorry man, the tool is help you prepair a game and launche it, now what this has to do with MODs in sc2?

    Mod can be consider a general or small modification of the game to play "differently", so A GreenTie Mod yes can be done but i am not making the AI, sure i can make a tool to Install this AI to sc2 retail thought, but up to there!

    what else has the launcher to make it MOD?

    mod is a conversion of something in most cases, lets say i make a CnC game with SC2 editor and i want this to be installed and played, Thats a MOD, the sc2allin1 is not a mod!

    just give me a practical example of what you have in mind exactly....i have to continue my campaign you know :P

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