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  • spay
    dude its not a bad language (its seems you dont know English) and secondly you didnt read the others guy solution if you did you would have solve your systems and users problem! i totally insist on that because the forums are full of lazy people who demand a solution in a plate after said 1 million times they dont search at all and spend time typing and not reading! if anyone else is will to do the job for you be my guest, i am not.

    I am writing on a forum only if the situation is hopeless, I'll understand perfectly, and I know how lazy people can not read a couple of posts, and immediately create a panic, I'm not! I have a real problem, I read the whole FAQ, and much of the forum, cleaned reestrer, installed. NET 4.0, cracked STAR CRAFT 2 (razor1911), launched on behalf of the Administrator and other. I am not noob in these cases:) But the problem is not gone, and I have written here - this is the extreme case because it has something I missed, but could not find that.

    ok i will have to repeat my self! clean your maps! in the documents\sc2\maps directory and paste there onyl the ones i say above the problem is caused because one of your maps is not ok! also could be cause because the tool tries to change your localazition to enUS to calculate some "." and "," and probably faisl because it cant do it because its not a UAC off full admin account!

    there you are.

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