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  • ChancellorGorwonI can open the launcher fine and edit the match settings, but when I hit Launch it just opens the game normally like it would if I wasn't using the launcher and was just using the normal Starctaft II.exe. It opens the loading screen with Raynor's face and then goes to the login screen. I input my password and it takes me to the main screen. I'm not sure ho it's supposed to look when you launch it since I've never gotten it to work.

    I also today did a fresh install of SC2 and the tool.

    I have seen other people post this issue but I've seen no solution or you guys have assumed that the poster had an improperly cracked version. I HAVE A LEGIT VERSION OF SC2. I bought it from the blizzard site and that's where I downloaded the client. I am using version of the tool and version of SC2. I am running win7 64 bit ultimate edition. I just want to use this tool so I can play downloaded maps vs AI because Blizzard is retarded and wont let me do this without a 3rd party application.

    Maybe allin1 not support some maps' name or UNICODE something...
    I face the seem problem but when i try diffrent map it become normal, i am using allin1 work in zhCN, great work

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