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  • Hi. I am using the launcher version 10.3.3 on Windows 7 64bit. There is a coding bug in your launcher which is evident on large maps (larger than 9 players). When your software enumerates the location numbers it adds a leading 0 to the numbers. ie location 01, 02, 03 etc.

    Your code still does this for position 10, 11 12 etc
    So when you try to put a player into position 10, it actually reads 010. or for 12 012. You need to stop adding a leading zero after position 9!

    If you press the "launch" button with a location chosen as either 010, 011 or 012 you get the error message "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: startIndex".

    Thanks for the great app! :-)


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