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  • PerplexThanks for the (prompt) reply. I am logged in under only one account on this computer and it of course has all administrator privileges, so that is a non-issue. Everything is shared and permissions have full control.

    I tried deleting all maps but one (Base to Base), and I have not set anything funny. When I tried to load that map from the folder, I got another error: "The process cannot access the file ...Base to Base.SC2Map because it is being used by another process"
    (I sent that error report in the beta version)

    I'm quite confident it is not being used by another process, as this is the only issue I'm trying to work on at the moment! But regardless, the map appears to be listed fine under the maps listing, so upon launch again I got the "File not found" again.

    I recently updated the framework to I believe V4, so I'm confident that is not the issue. I'm not sure what to try, because the error is rather non-descript (WHAT file can't be found?!). What else is left to try?

    thanks for the error send report, this internal mechanish is really helpfull for me!

    i will examine your report in the next hours, (i am not in this PC atm) and will let you know.

    the map you are mentioning is it an Official Blizzard map? did you got it from my Map Server or from here:

    can you please upload that map somewhere and share the link here so that i can test it?

    also make sure no Double process like sc2.exe or the sc2allin1.exe is runing in your system! make sure the map is not readonly.....i cant think of something else right now i have to see this map, and examne th error report you send from the beta.


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