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  • devilmedude im sorry to bother you but ic ant make the allin work cause i keepp getting this mesage: Cant load your settings! You may have deleted my default directories! Delete the settings file and retry, or reinstall the application!

    i alrredy triyed to do what teh guide said and it just dont work...A: Just do what the error says and don’t forget to launch the instal as administrator and the launcher after it is installed as administrator also.

    i have teh starcraft instaled in an alternate location and not in C/ it might be it or im missing something?

    Thx for your time, and for this awesome tool...

    it seems you dont have enough Access rights to the folder where sc2allin1 is located!

    try to see if the user "everyone" has full access.
    in windows 7 this article will help you to find your way!

    This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.- Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
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