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  • I am a legit SC2 WoL owner and I have the game updated to 1.5.3. I have downloaded maps directly from the launcher. The game throws the good ol' "Unable to open map" error. I originally started out wanting to start practicing in HoTS, but I suspect if I get WoL working then HoTS will work as well.

    I'm really not sure what else to try. I am running Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit. I have ensured the following:

    - Running installation and tool as administrator
    - I'm not using a custom AI
    - I don't leave anything on random
    - I'm using WoL maps directly downloaded from the launcher
    - My WoL install folder AND my cache folder AND my Documents/Starcraft II/ folder are all set for full permissions by all user accounts
    - The custom game path is not set or filled in
    - I've tried Free for All and Team vs Team
    - Left the AI on Very Easy
    - Cleared cache through the tool
    - Tried not changing any settings right after a fresh install of the tool


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