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  • RandomGuyHi Vernam,

    I know you are going to abandon this project, but could you please fix one more bug?

    Some part of the UI disappears and is inaccessible when running the program in windows 8. There is an alert message saying that the font size should be set to to the default 100%.

    However, the default font size in windows 8 is 125%. 100% is considered to be "small" (no idea what use Microsoft saw into this). Using the compatibility issue resolver also didn't work. The rest of the program runs just fine.

    Thank you for the work and effort you put into this!



    i am sorry this ui limitation based on the font scale size, is somethin known to all win form applications!

    there is nothing i can do for this!

    winform are not scalable like wpf or flash interfaces, so when you are changing font sizes teh entire application change! nope it doesnt work like that.

    so you are directly limited to your windows settings!

    its not a bug, i cant "fix" that.
    my final version when ever is going to be released, will have other issues or improvements, but defently it would not be a totally new ui.

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