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  • JaceNo :) i pay attention to this..the program start and the below menu is the hots my command center there's the label with the workers and all other stuff....but i don't have hellbats :D can u help me?

    if you are playing with the latest maps from our server (add map from server)
    and the expanion mode is in the Heart of the swarm, then in your factory it should be the new units!

    final thought check if you have by accident selected in the game menu option over teh gamplay i think submenu the "heart of the swarm as default multyplayer" mode.

    i can switch from sc2allin1 (11.2.15) from wol to hots in a map and i got all the units properly no issues at all so far....

    those issus i had was back in the early days of hots beta. in the 2.0.3 the mode switch works.

    show me a screenhsots from your sc2allin1 options and game tab plz.

    p.s also when the hots will be released the wol engine will be replaced!
    so the command center scvs number and autogathering for example Will also be evailable for WoL games! you just going to have different units!

    the game engine will be updated to use the latest features!

    your game simple doesnt start in hots expansion mode for some of the above reasons.

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