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  • AlvarHi. The sc2Allin1 v10.3.3 it's amazing Vernam.

    I know it's a question about an older version, but everytime i choose the race and the color, for my custom map, and the game it's loaded, the game gives me a random race with the red color by default.

    ¿What it's happenig or am I doing something wrong?

    When i made the map i set to Any the race and the color, but i supposed the sc2Allin1 will change it for me. The other options are good.

    Bye, thank you.

    I have:
    - stacraft II v1.4.4,
    - sc2Allin1 10.3.3
    - os: win7 64bits

    are you sure you use maps compatible to the old version you have? 144 its very old and i dont have the blizzard melee maps from back then!

    i strongly recomend to upgrade your game and then sc2allin1, i dont support older versions.

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