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  • Vernam7
    AlvarHi. The sc2Allin1 v10.3.3 it's amazing Vernam.

    I know it's a question about an older version, but everytime i choose the race and the color, for my custom map, and the game it's loaded, the game gives me a random race with the red color by default.

    ¿What it's happenig or am I doing something wrong?

    When i made the map i set to Any the race and the color, but i supposed the sc2Allin1 will change it for me. The other options are good.

    Bye, thank you.

    I have:
    - stacraft II v1.4.4,
    - sc2Allin1 10.3.3
    - os: win7 64bits

    are you sure you use maps compatible to the old version you have? 144 its very old and i dont have the blizzard melee maps from back then!

    i strongly recomend to upgrade your game and then sc2allin1, i dont support older versions.

    Hello. Thanks for the response. No problem about that Vernam, i have the older maps, the only problem is in settings the race and the player color to a map I made with the Starcraft Map Editor.

    Well i don't update the game, because the conection here is terrible and my computer it's not so good. But any help will be welcome from other users.

    By the way if you are interested the portraits for Guest mode are located in the cache:

    StarCraft II\\Cache\74\39\7439d0355829b6cc7491a95f9cf78224edbfaa1082ad4372eb57de2c78115c3e.wafl

    But when you modify the picture file and load the game; The program take a while loading the portraits and change the file to it's original file again. Sure called from other location, but there it is the key place.

    I setted the .wafl file like "only lecture" and then in the game the portraits pictures in guest mode: doesn't load anymore. ;).

    Just saying.

    Registered User

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