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  • Hi all,

    I have tried Green Tea 0.42 today with vernam7 launcher without problems.
    After 3 games against, with 2 wins and 1 lose.
    This AI have same B.O, marine harass, some marauder + tank.

    I hope will have a Zerg AI release for this week-end....
    In 4 hours, i'll not use internet before monday.
    Aiur Protoss is good enought, It did a Dark Templars rush vs me :D
    Unfortunately, when there more than one protoss cpu in the game, the others have Blizzard stupidy.

    Thx all for making star 2 beta offline :D

    Random Starcraft 2 player. Only playing for Fun !!! It's A Good Day To Die.
    EU Beta

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