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  • vernam7the repository its not in my hand, but iwouldnt recomended for one reason.

    people do not share! they mostly steal!

    starcrack team as i learnd when i recently joined them was a very powerfull team but few members got coky and selfes and they left, starcrack team at that momment had a fre to all source code, but when thats happend people from different so called "ai or emulator teams" are starting to just clone and steal starcracks source and ideas rename it to something else and launch it as their own products!

    thats stopped a lot when the repostiory locked or somepartes became readonly, cause other morons were deleberetly damaging Starcracks Team source code to make them seem late and poor etc....

    so i strongly dont like the idea of opening worldwide!

    i like the idea of sharing in a small community that knows what they are doing and they help and communicate with each other! not acting like selfives bastards and theaves.

    open with limits for me.

    @vernam7: Ow, I agree w/ your idea of having just a small group of developers working to incorporate the strengths of all the AIs. "Stealing" would be to take something from others and say that the work is their own right? That's y I don't share my launcher because most of it was reverse engineered from Valkirie's launcher..hehe..

    @logo: Just tried AI vs AI in patch 10, StarCrack 7.02 (Zerg) vs Aiur 2.0 Alpha 12 (Protoss)..Protoss had no chance...But I have to admit, StarCrack 7.02 Protoss kinda sucks..hehe

    Anyone know of any strong Protoss or Terran AI? :)


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