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  • yea they would have to have a common base ground for this to work!

    even for the per player difficulty which hopefully will be in the next version sometime later, its difficult and its up to the Ai TEams now, from my part i am 1 month ago ready 99,99% i am wating for something to test this per player!

    but different ai per player its actually asking to team up and make a new AI lol ;-)

    its like this
    this is JUST a demo doesn't mean its like that:

    it like trying to have a Intel Core 2 Duo work with an AMD Phenom 2 in one motherboard at the same time!
    it would be possible only if the motherborad had everything 2times (2main chipset 2 controllers etc etc totally different architect!) OR the 2 CPU could be identical in Core and use the same socket the same chipset etc, as you can do with 4 AMD toggerther or 4 Intell in a 4socket Mobo.

    in other words as it is right now it not possible.
    so making it work its actually creating 1 new AI team ;-)

    @Syryuu check your PM plz

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