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  • 1. Make a Unit Group variable ( global ), in this case I'm using Byebye

    2. I use Player 15 here as the enemy, since that's the way I like it ;)

    3. The army is created in a Region I've named "Start Region"

    4. Here, I'm making 5 Muta's, 10 Roaches and 50 Zerglings and adding them to the Unit Group ByeBye

    5. I then tell all the units to attack-move a random living unit in the Unit Group %PlayerChars%, which in here I already have the character I've playing.
    ( actually I just say attack, but they get the point xD )

    6. Now on trigger two : when a Player 1 unit enters the Region "Checkpoint 2", all units in Byebye is killed off.

    7. On the end I empty Byebye as well for further use.


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