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  • I guess the order of events that it's at now is something like this..

    Event: Boss Dies
    Actions: Says his death phrase.
    *You get his special ability.
    *Unit - Create 15 Minion for player 15 at (Center of Attack Wave) using default facing (No Options)
    *Set global variable to True

    ^(Creates the 15 minions, but doesn't issue orders in this trigger)

    Event: Occurs periodically every 1 game second
    Conditions: Global Variable == True
    Actions: Unit - Order (Closest unit to (Center of Attack Wave) in (Minion units in Entire Map owned by player 14 matching No Unit Filter, with at most Any Amount)) to ( Attack targeting Hero) (Replace Existing Orders)

    ^(This works, they'll go, one at a time attacking my hero, chasing him down)

    Event: Hero reaches a certain point.
    Conditions: Global Variable == True
    Actions: ???(For every action I try and use to kill the units, nothing works)


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