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  • It is possible since the Galaxy editor is nothing else but an improved Warcraft 3 Editor+StarCraft Editor and from what i know campaign of warcraft 3 uses this for the experience/level/items and so on for heroes. Also I saw many being able to replicate this and I'm preety sure you can here. You just need a bunch of variables containing the data of each aspect of your hero/unit and make them load from the previous map but in the same time if you manage to do that you need to make the game to "record" the variables on each map to get the new data up
    EX: if you make the thing work for your first map and with the second one to load what exp/items etc you gained in first map that is good but remember you actually need to do the same stuff for the second map and so on for rest of maps you will include in the Scenario/Custom Campaign


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