I have one Trigger to define all my wave spawning. The problem is wave timer. No matter what I do the current wave variable will not update in the wave timer window. I have tried re-setting the title, killing the timer window and creating a new one, etc, nothing works. I don't get it. Here is what I have in my triggers:
In Initialization:
Timer - Start Wave Timer as a One Shot timer that will expire in 30.0 Game Time seconds Variable - Set Wave Timer = (Last started timer) Timer - Create a timer window for Wave Timer, with the title (Combine (("Wave:" + (Text((Current Wave + 1)))))), using Remaining time (initially Visible) Timer - Show Wave Timer Window for (All players)
In the trigger that controls the end of the wave:
Timer - Destroy Wave Timer Window Timer - Start Wave Timer as a One Shot timer that will expire in 30.0 Game Time seconds Variable - Set Wave Timer = (Last started timer) Timer - Create a timer window for Wave Timer, with the title (Combine (("Wave:" + (Text((Current Wave + 1)))))), using Remaining time (initially Visible) Timer - Show Wave Timer Window for (All players)
Now I have tried this every which way, kill timer, hide timer, set timer title, etc. Everything works except for the hiding the window (which I initially had) or killing it. There IS a new timer recreated but I can't see anything of it except the top border of it to see if the wave variable is updated. I have also tried last created timer window instead of the name of the timer window, and that STILL does not work.
Also, I have a Spawn Wave trigger, which I tried putting the hide or kill window there and it doesn't work there either. This is really frustrating me because KILL and SHOW both do not work yet new windows are created. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG lol.
My variables are:
Wave Timer = (New timer) <Timer>
Wave Timer Window = No Timer Window <Timer Window>
So just for kicks I thought I would try placing the Destroy (Last Created Timer) or Destroy (Wave Timer Window) in a different trigger. I have an Update Leaderboard trigger, and I thought "Surely when the leaderboard is updated the timer window will be destroyed." Well it didn't work. So the problem is, no matter how I word the it, the Destroy command WILL NOT WORK. What the hell am I doing wrong? OMG this so frustrating, did I mention that? I mean, Set Title does not work, Hide does not work, destroy does not work, no matter if I call it last created timer or by it's variable name, is this a bug in the editor or am I making a stupid mistake somewhere?
Any help please? This is still a problem. I've looked at a tutorial on youtube (OneTwoSC) and followed it and it still doesn't work. All he said in response to my response was he was making new ones.
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I have one Trigger to define all my wave spawning. The problem is wave timer. No matter what I do the current wave variable will not update in the wave timer window. I have tried re-setting the title, killing the timer window and creating a new one, etc, nothing works. I don't get it. Here is what I have in my triggers:
In Initialization:
Now I have tried this every which way, kill timer, hide timer, set timer title, etc. Everything works except for the hiding the window (which I initially had) or killing it. There IS a new timer recreated but I can't see anything of it except the top border of it to see if the wave variable is updated. I have also tried last created timer window instead of the name of the timer window, and that STILL does not work.
Also, I have a Spawn Wave trigger, which I tried putting the hide or kill window there and it doesn't work there either. This is really frustrating me because KILL and SHOW both do not work yet new windows are created. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG lol.
My variables are:
Wave Timer = (New timer) <Timer>
Wave Timer Window = No Timer Window <Timer Window>
So just for kicks I thought I would try placing the Destroy (Last Created Timer) or Destroy (Wave Timer Window) in a different trigger. I have an Update Leaderboard trigger, and I thought "Surely when the leaderboard is updated the timer window will be destroyed." Well it didn't work. So the problem is, no matter how I word the it, the Destroy command WILL NOT WORK. What the hell am I doing wrong? OMG this so frustrating, did I mention that? I mean, Set Title does not work, Hide does not work, destroy does not work, no matter if I call it last created timer or by it's variable name, is this a bug in the editor or am I making a stupid mistake somewhere?
Any help please? This is still a problem. I've looked at a tutorial on youtube (OneTwoSC) and followed it and it still doesn't work. All he said in response to my response was he was making new ones.
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