ai with maphacks
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  • so i'm assuming it's well known that the ai doesn't have fog of war but what could the reason possibly be the reason for this? i don't enjoy playing against people using hacks normally so why would ai be any different?

  • Because it would be to hard to make AI adapt well enough to your strategy without it.

    It's useless to compare game vs player and vs AI. Players are more flexible, can learn, improve, adapt. AI is more "narrow minded". To make AI like human you would need not only lot of time and programming skills but also quite strong PC to handle it. Thats why there is a need to use simple tricks like this one to make AI be more challenging with less cost.

  • omghi2ui don't enjoy playing against people using hacks normally so why would ai be any different?
    When you face an opponent with much different motivation and decision, would you consider that there should be a difference? I mean, I don't think it is normal when punish a 3 years old kid with the same way of punishing a 30 years old one unless the punisher is a maniac.


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