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  • * You need to upgrade SC2 to version 1.2.0 before using AI.
    * First, you must download SC2 Allin1 Tools of Vernam 7. He also include the official map packs on this page. You need to download it too.
    SC2 AllIn1

    * Extrace the Maps file to one folder. Copy GT AI to AI folder in SC2 Allin 1 Folder. The location should be like this:
    ... AI/GT AI 0.xx/ Trigger Libs....

    * Click on "Add Map To Folder" and redirect to your Map folders.

    * Then switch to "Option" Tab. Select GT AI.
    - PRESS "SAVE".
    - On the Tea AI ( GT AI ) Area, there are 2 check box.
    + "Allow AI to chat" : Check on here, so the AI can chat with you in game.
    + "Show AI Bonus Rate" : This will show you how much the AI gain more resources than you. At Medium difficulty or below, it will not appear because AI
    won't get these bonus.


    * Switch to Game Tab.
    - Check on the Box "Use Custom AI".
    - Select race, difficulty, maps, team.


    * Finally, press Launch to Start the game.
    - At the Beginning screen you should see this message:
    " GT AI 0.xx
    by ptanhkhoa .. "
    => The AI is working now, enjoy. If not, please read these steps again.

    To find a fault is easy; to do better may be difficult.
    GT Creator

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