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  • I'm trying to insert the GTAI into a map following the vid up top, and it doesn't seem to work.

    After renaming the two files with MPQEditor (tried both 32- and 64-bit exes) and reloading the edited map into the SC2 editor, I get:

    [8/22/2012 7:46:26 AM] Error: Error (XML: no element found) occurred while loading Units from game data file 'GameData/UnitData.xml'

    [8/22/2012 7:46:30 AM] Warning: XML: GameData\UnitData.xml(97,1) : XML: no element found: Source: C:/Users/UbdU/Desktop/gtaimaps/maps/steppes.SC2Map

    Then loading the map into SC2 for playing results in an unplayable map.

    Using SC2Allin1 works still, but I'd prefer to be able to publish the maps for ease of use.

    Any idea how to fix? Thanks in advance.


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