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  • This is the native list defenition

    point AIBestTargetPoint (
    unitgroup group,
    int minHits,
    int damageBase,
    fixed minScore,
    fixed radius,
    point from,
    fixed range,
    int bonusAttri)

    - minHits : the point action must guarantee at least these number of units.
    - damageBase : the point action must guarantee total damage caused from this action.
    - fixed minScrore: each unit representative for a value. ( Ex : Zergling value is very small while Ultralisk is larger ). So the total value of units hits by this action must over this number.
    - fixed radius : this is circle radius of the action. ( That include all the target units )
    - point from : start of the action. (Infestor position)
    - fixed range : range from the Infestor to the point.
    - int bonusAttri: not so sure, but maybe if enough, will add value for some kinds of unit.

    To find a fault is easy; to do better may be difficult.
    GT Creator

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