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  • In Zerg13.galaxy commander in startup build there is a mistake.
    if (!GTFinishA(player, c_ZU_Queen, 1 ) )

    GTTrain(player, 2, 0, c_ZU_Drone, 10);
    GTTrainI(player, 2, 0, c_ZU_Overlord, 2, c_ZU_Drone, 10);
    GTTrainI(player, 2, 0, c_ZU_Drone, 22, c_ZU_Overlord, 2);
    GTTrainI(player, 2, 0, c_ZU_Overlord, 3, c_ZU_Drone, 19 );
    GTTrainA(player, 2, 0, c_ZU_Queen, 1, c_ZU_Drone, 14 );

    GTTrainA(player, 2, 0, c_ZU_Zergling, 4, c_ZB_SpawningPool, 1);
    GTTrainA(player, 2, 0, c_ZU_Roach, 5, c_ZB_RoachWarren, 1);

    GTBuildA(player, 10, 0, c_ZB_SpawningPool, 1, c_nearResource, c_ZU_Drone, 13);
    GTBuildI(player, 2, 0, c_ZB_Extractor, 1, c_onVespeneGas, c_ZU_Drone, 19);
    GTBuildPAA(player, c_ZB_RoachWarren, 1, GTPUnitNearest(player, c_ZB_SpawningPool, GTDI(player, 0)), c_ZB_SpawningPool, 1);

    if(GTCount(player,c_ZU_Drone) == 20 && AIHasRes(player,300,0)){GTExpand2(player);}

    AI is forced to build 3. overlord when is 19. drone in production but he cant make it because of supply block. (2 overlords are made = 16 food +2 food from hatchery = 18, so 3. overlord needs to be built on 18. drone >>>> GTTrainI(player, 2, 0, c_ZU_Overlord, 3, c_ZU_Drone, 18 );
    Extractor should be repaired to 18. drone too, because AI is going roaches :)

    EU Beta

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