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  • Ive found the 0,64 AI has problem with Dark tepmlar production. Ive tested it with this line >>>>> GTTrainA( player, 10, c_townMain, c_PU_DarkTemplar, 1, c_PB_DarkShrine, 1);

    When AI builds Dark Shrine it waits about 2-5 minutes , then he builds DT, I dont know why. I tried to put the same line in GT 0,57 for test , and AI produced 1 DT just after creating DArk Shrine . Ive deleted all other productions from script to do not affect DT build. Before DT production AI was only forced to make 4 zealots. REsult >> same commander in 0,57 - DT production ok, same commander in 0,64 - crippled DT production for unknown reasons.

    EU Beta

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