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  • I found no answers or tutorials for this.

    I have a custom map made that uses default melee ai for players 1,2,11,12 controlled by the computer in player settings.

    Players 3-10 are user controlled, do not own bases, have a starting army whos goal is to kill the melee ai. (melee victory/defeat disabled, bases are randomly generated for the computer players).

    All I want to do, is import the GT Ai, give credit, then on map launch, the computers (1,2,11,12) use random commander. No options or dialog will show up. I just want to use the ai, not make the map into a melee map.

    Is there a decent way to predefine the options, make no dialogs show up? I have code knowledge, but in other languages. Delete/disable, predefine options.


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