How to get two ais to fight one another?
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  • Hello! I have recently downloaded Green Tea and have been enjoying the challenge but, I can't get two ais to fight when the game begins the screen darkens and the AI sits there taking an endless breather does anyone now how to get them to fight I use Allin.
    Thank You

    Registered User
  • anyone? do I need to give more info?

    The AI seems to not pick a commander at the beginning it says AI:Hard twice but no commander I've tried switching it to manual and random commander select to no avail

    I also get an error in the error box I will try to copy it. Thanks for any help

    EDIT: the error pops up when I type -help -op etc. here it is: Scri: Trigger error in "GTRespond": could not get 'int' from Parameter in "(value:)"

    Near line 233 in GTRespond () in TriggerLibs/Green Tea Main/ GTZ Command.galaxy

    hope this helps

    Registered User
  • It actually depends on how I setup the game, If I set it on a two player map and select two computer players the screen darkens and no commanders are chosen If I pick a three player map and put two computers and Referee/Spectator as me. The screen does not darken and Unitdata does not load the last thing it says is the AI color and difficulty

    EDIT: -OP -re etc. also do nothing when I type them as an observer

    Registered User

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