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Sorry for the late responce but I've been busy being coached by EVORekatan so I can play at the faster speed setting of the ladder.
Thanks to whoever updated the commander listing. It's a big help.
In the instructions can you change...In the file Press Ctrl + F. Find this line:
//rnd = 3
toIn the file Press Ctrl + F. Find this line:
//rnd =
because the number changes depending on which file you are in.
Thanks again
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Sorry for the late responce but I've been busy being coached by EVORekatan so I can play at the faster speed setting of the ladder.
Thanks to whoever updated the commander listing. It's a big help.
In the instructions can you change...
In the file Press Ctrl + F. Find this line:
//rnd = 3
In the file Press Ctrl + F. Find this line:
//rnd =
because the number changes depending on which file you are in.
Thanks again